Après avoir décidé de “fermer” mon petit appart à El Quseir où j’ai vécu “my dream” de liberté dans un pays que j’adore, j’ai du prendre la décision de “retourner à la vie d’hôtel” j’ai
choisi le Rohanou pour le charme, la dimention et la localisation de ce resort….je connais presque tous les resorts cela fait 11 ans que je “vis part time” à Quseir/Marsa Alam…et j’ai vraiment élu le Rohanou pour ma nouvelle vie!!!!J’ai séjourné au Rohanou un mois en Avril 2016 (mon premier test séjour!), un séjour dans un très beau cadre, dans une chambre agréable et spacieuse, j’adore l’architecture du Resort…. on y trouve des terasses tranquilles, des coins de plage presque privés….et l’ hôtel surplombe une mer magnifique et riche en vie. J’ai “vécu” la construction de ce Resort étant une fidèle de ce coin de la Mer Rouge, en particulier de la plage de Kilo Ashra voisine de l’hôtel …www.habibielquseir.com. Le resort se trouve à 10 km au Sud de la petite ville de El Quseir, à 35 mn au Nord de l’Aéroport de Marsa Alam..et pour le plaisir des yeux, entre la baie de Serib Kebir et Serib Soraya, endroit idéal pour la plongée et le snorkeling.
Le personnel est vraiment attentif et disponible ….tout sourire!…. et on prend un très bon petit déjeuner sur la grande terrasse surplombant la mer et ….aussi merci au Chef et à Paolo pour l’organisation de joyeuses diners-soirées égyptiennes!
Ce n’est pas un hôtel “bling bling” c’est un environnement simple mais de grande qualité! Si vous désirez un hôtel bruyant et cahotique …. ce n’est pas votre lieu de vacance! Mais si vous aimez la mer le snorkeling et la plongée …et le calme…. c’est votre rêve!!!!!
….. et je reviens aussi pour faire du snorkeling nocturne avec le Wonderful Dive Centre de plongée intégré à l’hôtel!
Merci au GM Mr Maged et aussi à Mr Magdy, l’idéateur de cet eco-resort de grand charme!
Je souligne que je voyage seule et que je me suis toujours sentie en sécurité dans cet hôtel qui a une équipe de surveillance très sérieuse tant du coté entrée de l’ hôtel que du coté de la plage….. donc séjour très relax!
Le test a été positif!!! Je retourne pour un mois en Octobre! See you soon!….et Mabrouk et Shoukran à tous!
Category Archives: El Quseir
une brin de nostalgie… 11/2015
Après 9 ans de bons et loyaux services, mon appartement de El Quseir a été clos le 14 Novembre 2015… pour des raisons personnelles, j’ai pris cette difficile décision…. Je remercie le propriétaire, sa femme et ses enfants pour avoir pris soin de moi et de ma sécurité. J’ai passé dans cet appartement de magnifiques années de liberté, gaité et sérénité…un vrai petit paradis. Je n’abandonne pas El Quseir …mais pour les années à venir …je devrai me contenter d’un hôtel….I will not feel Qusereya like before….but who knows may be one day I can go back to my flat…Inshallah…
Dogs in Egypt – Chiens en Egypte – Cani in Egitto 02/2015
Merci à mon ami Baba Mohammed et sa femme qui m’ont fait connaitre le suivant Hadith sur chiens et Coran.
Hadith Sahih Mouslim, 2244, Sahih Al-Boukhari, 2466.
{Un homme qui marchait sur un chemin ressentit une grande soif. Il atteignit un puits, y descendit, but, et en ressortit. C’est alors qu’il aperçut un chien haletant et léchant la terre humide tellement il avait soif. L’homme se dit: “Ce chien souffre de la soif autant que j’en souffrais moi-même.” Alors il redescendit dans le puits, remplit d’eau sa chaussure et en abreuva le chien. Dieu le remercia et lui pardonna ses péchés.} On demanda au Prophète : “Ô messager de Dieu, sommes-nous récompensés pour nos bonnes actions envers les animaux?” Il dit: {Pour toute créature vivante, il y a une récompense à qui leur fait du bien.}
Thanks to my friend Baba Mohammed and his wife who make me know the following Hadith about dogs and Coran.
Hadith Sahih Mouslim, 2244, Sahih Al-Boukhari, 2466.
{ A man who was walking on a path felt a big thirst. He reached a well and climb down, there drank, and came up. Then He saw a breathless dog licking the wet earth so much thirsty he was. The man says to himself: ” this dog suffers from the thirst as much as I suffered from it myself. ” Then he went down again in the well, fills his shoes with water and quench the dog’s thirst with it. God thanked him and forgave him his sins.} They asked the Prophet: ” Ô messenger of God, we are rewarded for our kindness to animals? ” He answer: {“There is a reward for kindness to every living animal or human.”.}
Grazie al mio amico Baba Mohammed e sua moglie che mi hanno fatto conoscere il seguente Hadith sui cani e il Corano.
Hadith Sahih Mouslim, 2244, Sahih Al-Boukhari, 2466.
Un uomo che camminava su una strada provò una grande sete. Raggiunse un pozzo, scese dentro, si dissetò, e ne uscì. Dopo vide un cane ansimante che stava leccando la terra umida tanto aveva sete. L’uomo si dissee: “Questo cane soffre tanto quanto soffrivo io della sete.” Allora ridiscese nel pozzo, riempì di acqua la sua scarpa e ne abbeverò il cane. Dio lo ringraziò e gli perdonò i suoi peccati.} Si chiese al profeta: ” Ô messaggero di Dio, si è ricompensati per le nostre buone azioni verso gli animali?” Lui rispose: {Per ogni creatura vivente, c’è una ricompensa a cui fa loro del bene.}
El Quseir Students say NO to division of Red Sea Governorate November 2014
The new plan of the Egyptian Government to divide the Red Sea Governorate to three parts make big reactions in El Quseir …The Students of the Public school organized a big protest march in the streets of the town and walk until the El Quseir City Hall. The march was calm and resposable. Is is nice and respectful to see the young people to say their opinion on facts that can have a weight on their future.
The idea to divide the big Red Sea Governorate is to give three parts each one with desert and access to the sea.The boycott is due to the fact that they think no chance to organize economical and administrative life with this new division map. Let’s see what will happened …. to be followed…
- Clouds in El Quseir…
- Algohra Supermarket El Quseir
Important place for me in El Quseir is Algohra Supermarket in the main street (we pronounce El Gawara) …because I always find “zabadi tasa” fresh yogurt and a lot of what I need to leave in my flat….and cook! The owner and his sons and staff are friendly and help you if your Arabic is not so fluent (like mine…but I will improve….not so sure!!!!)… they speak anyway more English that my Arabic!.
I must also say that the shop is clean and they control the freshness of the food and the price are Egyptian price!
Thanks to the chief…El Rais!
- Hearts full of Arts Festival
The New Edition of Hearts full of Arts Festival, organized by Ola, Marwa and Sally of the LDC (Learning Development Center), has been held on 8th November 2013.
Some sponsors help the Center to realize the Festival like Radisson Resort and the Restaurant 24 hours….and a lot more! Thanks to all!
Artists from Cairo and Quseir draw and paint on walls and grounds that make the city colorful… specially the Giant Dolphin in the middle of the street and the paint on the wall in front of the bay of an important politic man of El Quseir Mister Kamal Eldin Hessin Hamam who died in 1997 leaving a book of the history of El Quseir. He is very respected in all town.
The Festival was held near the Old Police Station near the Harbor, the streets has been closed by the Police to allowed people and children to move safely.
The Governor of the Red Sea was present and says that he will take care of Quseir finishing soon the works on the streets and looking after the lights and the quality of the water and cleaning the all town. It was so good to hear the Governor that all El Quseir clap their hands thanking him! I am so worried when I see children playing in the dirty town! I hope very soon Quseir will be clean and happy like before. I must say that it will be also good for the tourism economy and work.
Thanks Mister the Governor of the Red Sea…. if you need help we will help you!
The Festival was a big success, a lot of citizen were present to the Traditional Egyptian Concert (around 200 persons) and some moments of the Concert were special: a huge emotion listening a young boy reading the Coran like singing and also the energy of the Bedouin dancers of Shalateen.
Believe me it was so nice to see people all together happy and peaceful….. thanks to LDC and the Artists to give us this beautiful evening!
Srdce plná umění
Nový ročník festivalu Srdce plná umění, organizovaný Olou, Marwou a Sally z LDC (vzdělávací a rozvojové centrum), se konal 8. listopadu 2013.
Sponzoři, kteří pomohli festival uskutečnit, byli třeba Radisson Resort, restaurace 24 hodin a mnoho dalších. Díky všem!
Umělci z Káhiry a Quseiru kreslili a malovali na zdech i na zemi, a osvěžili tak Quseir barvami…obzvlášť velký delfín uprostřed ulice, nebo nadživotní portrét obyvateli Quseiru upřímně váženého veřejně činného muže jménem Kamal Eldin Hessin Hamam. Zemřel v roce 1997 a zanechal po sobě mimo jiné knihu o historii Quseiru.
Festival se odehrával poblíž staré policejní stanice u přístavu. Policie uzavřela celý prostor pro dopravu, aby pohyb dospělých i dětských návštěvníků byl bezpečný.
Přítomen byl i guvernér. Řekl, že se bude starat o Quseir, aby práce v ulicích (nový rozvod vody) skončily brzy, pohlídá i veřejné osvětlení, kvalitu pitné vody a čištění města. Bylo dobré slyšet to vše přímo z governérových úst a celý Quseir mu děkoval upřímným potleskem. Vždycky mám obavy, když vidím děti hrající si uprostřed městské špíny. Doufám, že velmi brzy bude Quseir čistý a šťastný, jako býval. A nutno říct, že to bude dobré také pro turistiku, pracovní možnosti, ekonomiku vůbec.
Díky pane guvernére rudomořského kraje…pokud potřebujete pomoc, my pomůžeme!
Festival byl velmi úspěšný, mnoho lidí přišlo poslechnout si tradiční egyptský koncert ( kolem 200 ) a některé momenty byly obzvlášť působivé: mladý chlapec zpěvně recitující Korán nebo energií nabitý tanec Beduínů ze Shalateenu.
Věřte mi, bylo tak krásné vidět lidi všechny pohromadě šťastné a mírumilovné…děkuji vzdělávacímu a rozvojovému centru a umělcům, že nám darovali ten nádherný večer
- On the wall of a School 01/2015
- Red Sea ….Red Flag!!!
Just a day….it is nice…. the big waves and the blowing of the wind….from the jetty of Radisson Resort in El Quseir….. did the fish close the Windows in their coral house????
- How deep is the Ocean….
How High is the Sky……
Cathy we wait you in El Quseir for snorkeling together…..
Dedicated to LOVE AND LOVERS of Egypt, Red Sea….AND MORE….
How Deep Is The Ocean (How High Is The Sky)
How much do I love you?
I’ll tell you no lie
How deep is the ocean?
How high is How Deep Is The Ocean (How High Is The Sky)
How much do I love you?
I’ll tell you no lie
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?
How many times a day do I think of you?
How many roses are sprinkled with dew?
How far would I travel
To be where you are?
How far is the journey
From here to a star?
And if I ever lost you
How much would I cry?
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?
How much do I love you?
I’ll tell you no lie
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?
How many times a day do I think of you?
How many roses are sprinkled with dew?
How far would I travel
To be where you are?
How far is the journey
From here to a star?
And if I ever lost you
How much would I cry?
How deep is the ocean?
How much would I cry?
How high is the sky?